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Your Position: Home - Health & Medical - What is the difference between FoodCycler FC 30 and eco5?

What is the difference between FoodCycler FC 30 and eco5?

The unit could be emitting an odor for a variety of reasons.

The carbon filters are required to ensure a near-odorless cycle. They last approximately 500 cycle hours, or 3-4 months with regular use.

Even if the ‘replace filter’ light has not gone on yet, you may need to switch out your filter carbon. Similarly, you can continue cycling even if the filter light has gone on and no odours are apparent.

Filter life is determined by the moisture quantity in the food waste, and the natural odorosness of each cycle. If you are cycling rotten, smelly or potent food wastes (such as rotten meat, or old cheese) your filters may not last as long as if you were cycling simple veggie scraps and coffee grounds.

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I think what I love just as much as the eco-friendly impact it will have on our lives is the Canadian involvement in it’s creation. Vitamix has partnered with Canadian company Food Cycle Science to introduce the Eco 5—a FoodCycler with double the capacity and a sleeker look, so you can add style to your kitchen while helping to support environmental protection.


"The FoodCycler is a really neat appliance. It's novel and offers some great benefits. It accompanies outdoor composting quite well and is one of the best options for those with no space for an outdoor pile and no composting service in their area."

Jen Panaro, Honestly Modern

"We have had our food recycler FC-50 for over a year now and other than changing the filters from time to time, we have not had to do any maintenance."

Petra Scott, Nutrition Redefined

It's a brilliantly low-effort and high-impact appliance that will help reduce your food waste while creating a soil amendment to nourish your plants.

Taylor Newlands, Foodism

What is the difference between FoodCycler FC 30 and eco5?

Food Recycler Composting Alternative





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